Welch, Morris + Associates Ltd.(WM+A) offers its clients a wide range of Building Services Engineering services which can be separated into two main categories:
Traditional Building Services Engineering.
Low Energy & Sustainable Building Services Engineering.
The traditional category of Building Services
Engineering includes the design, specification,
preparation and supervision of the following:
- Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems, including Commercial Kitchen Ventilation in Buildings, and Basement Car Park Ventilation.
- Plumbing Systems (Hot & Cold Water, and Soil, Waste & Vent Drainage) in Buildings.
- Acoustics for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Plant and Systems.
- Natural Gas & LPG Pipework Infrastructure specific to Buildings or Campus sites.
- Mechanical and Electrical Services Infrastructure site wide, feeding one or more buildings.
- Building Automation and Management Systems, allowing intelligent control of buildings.
- Medical Gases and Compressed Air Infrastructure in Buildings.
- Fire Hose & Sprinkler Fire Suppressant Systems in Buildings.
- Lighting Systems in and around Buildings. This is inclusive of Internal Lighting, Emergency Lighting and External Lighting of buildings.
- Electrical Infrastructure in Buildings (High Voltage and Low Voltage Systems, Backup Power Systems).
- Fire Alarm and Detection Systems in Buildings.
- Security Systems in Buildings. This is inclusive of Access Control, Intruder Alarm and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).
- Structured Cabling Systems which would include Telephone, Data, Video and Public Address Systems.
- Lifts and Escalators.
- M&E Budget Estimates and Bill of Quantities.
With the increasing presence of "greenhouse" gases and carbon emissions in the earth's atmosphere and with buildings responsible for approximately 40-50% of the world's energy use, a major contributor to carbon emissions, the use of Low Energy & Sustainable Building Services Engineering concepts has been pushed to the forefront in an effort to combat and slow the degradation of the earth's ozone layer. As such, worldwide, Building Services Engineers are charged with a responsibility to sensitise and introduce prospective & existing clients to the benefits of incorporating Low Energy and Sustainable Design Concepts in buildings.
At WM+A our Low Energy & Sustainability Building Services Engineering skills include the design, specification, and supervision of the following:
Dynamic Software Modelling & Simulation of the Thermal Performance of Buildings.
Rainwater Harvesting/Recovery.
Passive Ventilation.
Ground Source Cooling & Heating.
Solar Panel Heating.
Passive Daylighting.
Passive Solar Gain Control.
Combined Heat & Power.
Fuel Cell Technologies.
of Building
Thermal Models